Last Day

by mikka

Not pictured: the couple trying to enjoy their romantic evening about three feet to my left; me, being an annoying, anonymous third wheel on about seven different dates.

From the parking lot at the Rockridge Long's Drugs.

A few last images of the Bay Area to last me till I get back; on Valentine's Day I drove up to Grizzly Peaks to take photos of the sunset, not realizing that the cliffs would be overpopulated with scads of couples trying to have a nice evening without me and my camera wandering around them. Because I'm a) scattered on the best of days and b) thoroughly braindead after the last not-awesome month and a half, I locked my keys in my rental car (left them dangling in the ignition, actually, right after congratulating myself on remembering to lock the non-automatic doors) and spent a few panicked moments thinking I'd be marooned somewhere on Grizzly Peaks in the dark and the cold all alone. Fortunately, because I am a) scattered and b) braindead, I did not, in fact, lock *all* the doors to the car, and so skirted extreme pathos by crawling in the backseat. I bet everyone is really glad I'm about to go wander all over the planet now all by myself, right?

I started writing this at the Rockridge Starbucks yesterday in the midst of running a flurry of last minute errands (extra memory card! advil! groceries for a gigantic dinner I decided to cook for everyone!) but the wireless kept flaking out, so I'm actually writing this in the international terminal at SFO (where I have about 2 hours left on my Starbucks-purchased T-Mobile access!), where I am drinking overpriced tea and trying not to get all panicky at the thought of being somewhere utterly unfamiliar for quite so long after spending a nice, soothing week at home with puppies and family and way too many excursions along Skyline. But it's okay, because in 12 hours I will be in Japan (Oh my god, I'll be in Japan!) and then I promise to start writing more coherently (ha) and not overusing astericks, "awesome" or parentheticals. Right.