Berkeley (countdown: three more days!)

by mikka

Lucy the new puppy!

Probably I need to start being more creative with my blog title posts; at any rate, I'm back home(ish) in Berkeley for about ten more minutes before I head to Japan for a few days before landing in Ho Chi Min City on February 23rd. In my short time here, I have already managed to fry my mother's computer into oblivion (I swear I just restarted it and now everything is gone. I should not be allowed to touch ANYTHING), get bitten by a teething labrador puppy, make my usual aimless drive up and around Skyline (and now Grizzly Peaks!) and spend way too much time at Starbucks milking the 24 hours of overpriced wireless access I bought in a fit of internet-deprived desperation. My last week in Brooklyn was cold and sleep deprived and nerve-racking, and it was surprisingly easy to leave it behind after a 24 hour stretch of frantic packing, painting, moving, cleaning, landlord-finagling and plodding through the abruptly freezing cold all over two bouroughs taking care of last minute detritis (yay, hepatitis vaccines).

Goodbye, best kitchen in the whole wide world.

So that's it, then; the Brooklyn existence is all packed up and painted over or, at the very least, languishing in a storage facility. I am slightly burned out and brain-dead right now, and prone to telling my entire life story whenever people make the innocent mistake of asking simple things that SHOULD be answerable, and probably are, for most reasonable people, such as: Where do you live? Oh, you're going to Vietnam? For how long? Probably this is why I got detained at Immigration when I arrived in London last fall, which I never wrote about because it was just that embarrassing, but it totally happened and it was actually kind of hilarious.