Countdown: two days to go!

by mikka

Driving on Grizzly Peaks.

In Starbucks yet again, as there is no internet to be had at my mom's place; am becomming quite the Starbucks Wireless connoissuer - Solano has the best outlet-availabilty; Rockridge has better parking but is unreliable. Running out of time here and feeling a bit frantic; stocking up on used books for my eleven hour flight (any recommendations are welcome; right now I've got the Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki, in the Miso Soup by R. Murakami, Persuasion by Jane Austen, the Cleft by Doris Lessing, and the Quiet American by Graham Greene) and enjoying my second-to-last day of (bad) driving and trying to pick up and re-learn a few Japanese phrases ("Hi, do you speak English? Lovely weather, isn't it? I am bad at Japanese.")