don't be naughty at the zoo

by mikka

When I taught kids in Vietnam, we used to sing a song called Don't be Naughty at the Zoo to help the kids learn imperatives. You can actually see a video made by a different Vietnamese English school here - skip to two minutes in, unless, like me, you melt at the sight of small school children saying Hello, my name is Linh and I am a kangaroo. As you can see, the song is pretty annoyingly catchy, even if I think most children are sensible enough to know better than to touch the bear; I could always tell when someone had had to teach that lesson, because they'd be humming the song in the staffroom all day. ANYWAY, the point is, the Mysore Zoo was clearly the inspiration for this song. Yeah, there were animals there too, but the signs were the best part. 

That dead peacock is ALL YOUR FAULT.

Tigers and zebras: the world's deadliest animals. (PS, how awesome is the look of shame on the guy's face as he's being led away by the police?)

Oh god, the day monkeykind figures this one out, it's all over (insert your own Planet of the Apes joke here).

No mimicking the animals. Also, no Bluth-style chicken dancing.

My favorite animal in the zoo was actually this wild monkey baby. I think he looks so sad because he wishes he had a sign of some sort too. Or maybe the signs are really up to discourage the wild monkeys from taunting their captive monkey brethren, who knows.