Night Market, Luang Prabang

by mikka

A few photos of the night stalls in Luang Prabang; our boat into the city landed right before dark, so the laid-back night market and food stalls were my first impression of the city. I only had the chance to eat at one place in this alley (a vegetarian 'all you can stuff on your plate' buffet for 5000 kip (roughly = 75 cents) but it was delicious.


A fruit stand on the fringe of the market.

Silk scarves are for sale everywhere; I sent some home to both Northern and Southern California for moms, grandmoms, godmoms and aunts, so expect them in oh, three months or so (no, really - hooray for sea mail!); everyone else is getting their souvenirs when I get home because sea mail is kind of ridiculous.