lucky monkey

by mikka

Just on the off-chance that any of you were following the saga of the Attack Monkey as closely as Iain and I were: the contest is over, and a name has been announced! Alas, neither Mikka Junior nor my personal favorite front-runner, Kami-chan ("Bitey") won the day*, but in any case, meet Lucky! And so closes the saga of Lucky the Attack Monkey of Mishima and Susono. At least until Lucky goes all Jurassic Park on us and learns how to open doors...

* I may be suffering from ESL-teaching induced idiomatic amnesia (that's like, a thing, right? Other former-and-current ESL teachers, did this happen to you too? Where after a day of teaching you just start to forget English?) but Iain swears this is a phrase for victory, though he can only quote Independence Day as proof**, which to me casts some seriously doubt on the validity of such a phrase.

** Actually, to be specific, he quoted the entire speech in Bill Pullman's voice; and he wants me to tell you that fireworks went off in the background when this happened.