Signs of Life

by mikka

The awesome students of my (all-women!) Pre-Intermediate III class, which ended two weeks ago. On their first day, I was midway through my standard 1st day of class intro spiel + getting-to-know-you activities when one of them (I forget who) interrupted to ask who I was, and I had to explain that I was actually the teacher, and not just a particularly motivated fellow student.)

I am sorry, as ever, for the radio silence this last month; the excuse this time is that I'm well into my second month of homelessness, thanks to some plans falling through. My battery is dying on my laptop (typing, fast, in Iain's kitchen, where I've been living these last couple of weeks. The whole house, not the kitchen) so in lieu of my own apologetic incoherence, you can read about me on my friend Ben's blog, which you should look at anyway since he actually writes about living in Hanoi and all that, instead of just sporadically resurfacing to apologize for not resurfacing sooner. If you skim around enough, there's a photo of my many exhuast pipe burns as well (I'm on my 4th!)