Bat Trang

by mikka

Bac Trang is a village about 20 minutes drive out of Hanoi that's famous for pottery, though none of these pictures are particularly pottery related. We tried to drive out twice in the last two Saturdays (the only day Iain and I have off all week long), but were rained out midway there on the first attempt by a torrential tropical storm (see: earlier photos of motorbike drivers huddled under the overpass.) At any rate, we made it back next week and wandered around aimless a bit, though we didn't do anything particularly pottery-centric; it was incredibly nice to get out of the city if even for just a few hours - these six day work weeks are definitely kicking my butt more than I'd like, though hopefully I'll be getting some more travelling in during November (after election day, which I fully intend to spend sitting in front of the godawful CNN channel we get out here).

Good to know that chickens, too, have an awkward phase.