Gujo Hachiman food!

by mikka

The awesome thing about traveling to Gujo Hachiman with Yuka and her friends was that everything we ate was *amazing*...

Even the snacks (above, tofu with some sort of miso paste, which we ate in the freezing cold street outside the sake shop at about 11 am) were awesome.

above: tiny individual portions of wild boar nabe.

Iain bit the head off a fish.

Mochi filled with matcha green tea paste. (Iain didn't like his, so I got to have two! Bonus!) 

Breakfast was almost too pretty to eat. (Almost).

 For lunch on the second day, we all had huge bowls of soba...

... the biggest being the "Everest" sized portions that Satoshi and several other men ordered (and finished).

There was also a larger than usual proportion of fake food available - Gujo Hachiman is home to a factory that makes the wax food that restaurants keep in their windows. The highlight was undoubtedly this:

 True story.