
by mikka

... the weather has finally eased into that too-short window of time in the year where everything is perfect and makes you happy to be alive, so I am trying to break away from the embarrassing laziness I acquired this summer (sitting under the air conditioner knitting and watching bad TV) and get out more. So far, there's been one repeat of the epic Kanogawa cycle through yellowing rice fields:

above: that's me, too lazy to get off my bike, taking the first photo in the post.

More often, though, we go to Senbon Beach, which - ever since our backyard became overrun with vicious caterpillars that ate my entire garden and vicious mosquitoes determined to do the same to me -  is officially my favorite place in all of Numazu. Wednesday nights we finish work early, and so can usually make time for a quick cycle down to the shore in time for sunset.

(The lights are fishing boats - after the sun totally sets, they're the only thing you can see).

Numazu, be prettier! It's been six months - more! - and I still can't believe how lucky we are to live here.