
by mikka

Last weekend, we went back to Nijin no Sato with Yuka and Satoshi. This time around, the torrential rains held off for at least a good hour, giving us plenty of time to play with a random exhibit of traditional Japanese toys.

First you catch the ball in the big cup, then the small cup, then the pointy bit. Easy, right?




Best of all were the stilts - takeuma 竹馬, or literally, bamboo horse, making them one of the like, six words in kanji I can actually read:

After a few gos, Iain felt confident enough to challenge Satoshi to a race:

above: Gambatte!

Despite Iain's efforts, Satoshi easily pulled ahead...

...and quickly hobbled to the victory bench...

... leaving Iain in the dust. Better luck next time, Iain.