
by mikka

When we came back from Shimoda the other week, the first of our strawberries had turned red! As you can see from the photo below, they were tiny and lumpy and a bit soft when we ate them, but I was just so amazed something substantial had grown (!) in our garden that it was still unbelievably exciting. That was a week ago, and already there are four more looking almost ready to pick. They are marginally less funny looking than the first batch. 

In other gardening related news, something keeps eating my basil. Not cool, bugs! I'm trying to find some natural way to deter them, but my first few cursory google searches yield things that sound like they're made at Hogwarts (dissolve one tsp fish emulsion into the solution and stir counterclockwise). Oh, well, still looking. 

Also, I planted basil, cilantro and radish seeds in tiny paper cups two weekends ago (thanks to my mom, who sent me seeds). They're really cute, though I've forgotten which one is which now.