great wall!

by mikka


I don't have as many photos of the Great Wall as I would like, as I almost passed out - either from the heat or not having eaten or just being monstrously out of shape, whatever it is that makes your entire field of vision go blinding white for several minutes - the minute I got to the wall and decided against trying to hike ten more kilometers. So instead, I ingloriously hopped a cab to the end point to wait for Iain, and climbed a much more modest distance on the wall at Simatai to wait for him. I feel pretty stupid about wimping out on the hike, but seeing Iain collapse at my feet two hours later at least convinced me it had been a good idea. At any rate, it's been a long time since I've had to take in any massive tourist sight all on my own, but it was something I loved about the time I spent backpacking through the UK and Spain, and it was actually really nice, just sitting on the steps, taking my time and watching everyone go by.


By the time you read this, we'll be in transit yet again (hooray for scheduled posts!); I really like Beijing - the fraction I've seen of it - and I really hope I can come back here again, possibly during cooler weather, and explore a bit more of this country. It's completely unlike any place I've ever been, and I feel really lucky to have seen the small amount that I did. Anyway, more photos to follow, as ever!