Dance! Dance! Dance!

by mikka

A few photos from our camp's "Disco Night" last week; much like the Opening Ceremonies, we were forced to sit in front of everyone (hence the vantage point). Only, then, we were - without warning - forced to dance in front of everyone by the nearest person I think we have to a boss, whose four word English repetoire unfortunately extends to "GO GO GO." So that was fun.*


For me (if not the more exhibitionist teachers), Disco Night meant reliving an actual nightmare I once had about improvised, unplanned public dancing. For the kids, it meant following a couple of perky dance instructors while remaining carefully in gridlike formation.

This KFC chicken was more popular than a line of awkwardly dancing teachers, curiously enough.

At any rate: One more day of teaching at this particular camp and then we are being ferried to another one, this time in smaller groups. This is good, because while some of my kids continue to be the cutest and sweetest kids in the world, the rest of them are definitely suffering from Too Much Summer Camp and have become horrifically, exhaustingly bratty - fighting and crying all the time, refusing to do any work, driving all of their teachers insane; probably what's to be expected after two straight weeks of near constant stimulation (fireworks! fireworks again! water games day! lots of candy ALL THE TIME!) intermixed with a regular school schedule. So here's to sending them all home and moving on so we can start the whole thing over again at another elementary school.

* Except it wasn't.