I bet the Sheep Man drinks Sheep Beer

by mikka

Two things that have very little to do with travel and a lot to do with sheep:

a) I didn't even know blogs had to have names till I started up this blogspot, but, hey look, in honor of Wales and its many many sheep (and also what is a more accurate reflection of my travels so far in lieu of "ruins, rain and islands"), hey look - new blog name (with apologies to one of my favorite books ever....sorry, favorite book ever). And also new banner, featuring a real live sheep that I actually saw. Will probably take this down in about 12 hours after waking up and deciding it is in fact pretentious rather than clever, so enjoy my mad photoshop prowess while you can. Figuring how to do a star is deceptively difficult.

b) In the veins of other things I didn't realize, "sheep beer" was not the tag I intended to attach to my last entry (again, tags being one of those things like names that I didn't realize blogs needed to have) but now I kind of like it. It is demonstrably the only "sheep beer" tag floating around out there, and it sounds slightly disgusting.