
by mikka

above: xe om driver + scarecrow = awesome.

I have a legitimate excuse for having been an internet flake for the last week: thanks to some confusion about whether spelling my name ミッカ  トクダーホル is just as legitimate as spelling it in its non-katakana incarnation, the internet bill did not get paid and we were cut off from the non-Numazu world for a week. It was harrowing! Though, on the plus side, much more talking, reading, cleaning, knitting, studying and cooking was accomplished than otherwise is. Anyway, the internet came back this morning - I was woken up by the ping of my ipod being hit with a week's worth of unacknowledged mail - and so now I can resume my usual pattern of being a normal flake. 

In other news, the morning drive to work has become crazy beautiful.

So anyway, more over the next few days, hopefully, about Teiko's visit and the Numazu festival and the fact that it has become bleakly, oppressively hot - like, surface of the sun hot. Also, we're going on vacation soon, so, hooray!