Bike trip to Mai Chau

by mikka

Sun setting over the rice paddies in Mai Chau.

I am, as ever, sitting at Puku Cafe abusing the free wifi and running late for work, so more photos of my awesome (if too short) motorbike trip from two weekends ago to come (I know I always say that, but no, really, it's too beautiful there not to show off a bit). I've been busier with work lately - I'll be up to six classes this week and starting work on Saturdays soon - but things here are going really great, as always - so great that I'm most likely signing another contract to stay here through February '09, as it happens, which will round out what was meant to be a 3-month stay into a full year and which means all of you have that many extra months to come visit (hint, hint).

Green everywhere.